Monday, March 8, 2010

Me and Weddings

To be honest I am not a super gushy person on weddings.  I think this throws some people off, thinking I should be giddy about it with all the decorating and the dresses and most of all the Wedding dress.  Nope just not me.  I actually have no clue at all with what I want for my wedding dress.  I feel like a wedding is a celebration of commitment so why go all out with the bells and whistles?  Of course I want it to look nice but I also don't want to be stuck with a bunch of ill tasted party favors for years to come.  I do not want some huge Fondant cake to occupy my freezer for the next year.  I enjoy going to them but only if they are someone I truly consider a friend.  I don't particularly enjoy things that are not family related or close friends.  Just because you are invited to a wedding does not mean you have to make every last ditch effort to attend.

There have been a select few weddings that I was disappointed to miss like my friend Gerald's in Florida.  It was soon after college and he knew that financially it just couldn't happen for me as much as I wanted it to.  I also understand that about my own wedding.  A large amount of my friends don't live close and even though I'll invite them they most likely won't make it.  It's just the reality and I can't get upset at that.

I think I enjoy the planning of weddings with the lists of things to do and accomplish and working on budget.  There is a lot of unnecessary fluff associated with weddings that I just do not understand.  When did "Save the Date" become a staple?  Why do you need to invite someone twice to your wedding?  I mean if they don't remember on their own did you really want them to be there in the first place?  I suppose that is just my cold hearted nature with friends that those who matter will show you and if they don't you can't get hurt, you move on.

I think also the more hype and bigger a deal you make it the more upset you will be when the tiniest thing goes wrong.  I'm not going to get bent out of shape if the ring bearer forgets his pillow but still has the rings.  Or if my flower girl trips and cries during the procession.  I can't ever remember as a child or teen dreaming up my perfect wedding.  I knew I wanted to get married and that was all.  I don't think I've ever been super excited about anyone's actual wedding,  I've been very happy for the couple to make the commitment and start a family but the entire ceremony/reception just doesn't excite me.  I'm much more excited about baby showers and when a couple has a child.  There was a wedding once for some friends that I had introduced to each other in High School and they even put a dedication in the Program for me and I went and it was beautiful but my blood wasn't pumping about the event.

This is probably my biggest challenge as MOH for my best friend.  I don't think I am conveying my feelings towards her wedding the way that most people would.  It has nothing to do with the groom, location, her or anything just me and weddings.  Me and Weddings we're like acquaintances in passing but not good friends at all.  We're friendly to each other but not giddy with hugs and kisses.  I think that is a big reason why not being married infuriates me because I am the girl they just assume I'm making some big plan and I'm the one holding everything up in my personal life.

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