Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Just a small update I FOUND MY SHOES!!!!!!  Those Vivienne Westwoods.  I actually got them already right after Thanksgiving but I've not been feeling up to bloggin anything wedding related.

Turned out the shoes were completely sold out on Hervia.com so I was near tears to give up and then I gave it one last ditch effort and SHAZAM!  Endless.com had them and in my SIZE 5!  I snatched them up immediately and those were the only ones in that Red for that size, how fortunate I was.

Here is a terrible picture of the shoes when I had just gotten them after a long day at work and I promptly took a nap in them as well.

Yah yet another thing down.  Also confirmed music by some friends in a band called "My Kid Sister".  Yah it wasn't just some drunken or friendly banter saying they would play.  They are really looking forward to it and learning songs for us! 

Now if only all the other things could go just as easily.  I've had some panic attacks and insane tears these past 3 weeks trying to do a little bit of wedding planning.  It's just so overwhelming.  I talked to a recently married bride who is my friends new sister in law. She was ever so helpful and supportive and helped to ease some of my anxieties.  Apparently I have a lot done and alot covered so I'm on a good course.

Our Save the Dates are almost set.  I know they are going to be letterpress on chipboard made into  Magnets that I'm making with my Bridesmaids at Igloo Letterpress in Worthington, Ohio.  bah............. so much stuff still left to do.

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